
Saturday, January 7, 2017

Selected REFERENCES in  Qualitative/Phenomenology Research in Health Services
Compiled by Robert E. Hoye, Ph.D.                                                 January 7, 2017

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Golafshani, N. (2003). Understanding reliability and validity in qualitative research. The Qualitative Report, 8(4): 597-607.
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Plager, K. (1994). Hermeneutic phenomenology: a methodology for family health and health promotion study in nursing. In P. Benner (Eds.), Interpretive phenomenology, embodiment, caring and ethics in health and illness (pp. 65-84). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
Polkinghorne, D. (1989). Phenomenological research methods. In A. Giorgi (Ed.), Phenomenology and psychological research (pp. 41-60). Pittsburgh, PA: Duquesne University Press.
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Rycroft-Malone, J., Kitson, A., Harvey, G., McCormack, B., Seers, K., Titchen, A., & Estabrooks, C. (2002). Ingredients for change: Revisiting a conceptual framework. Qual Saf Health Care, 11:174–180.
Sandelowski, M. (1993). Rigor or rigor mortis: The problem of rigor in qualitative research revisited. Advances in Nursing Science, 16(3), 254-267.
Sandelowski, M. (1986). The problem of rigor in qualitative research. Advances in Nursing Science, 8(3), 27-37.
Shenton, A. K. (2004). Strategies for ensuring trustworthiness in qualitative research projects. Education for Information, 22, 63-75.
Smith, J., Flowers, P., & Larkin, M. (2009). Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis: Theory, Method and Research. London, UK: Sage Publications Ltd.
Spinelli, E. (2005). The interpreted world: an introduction to phenomenological psychology (2nd ed.). London, UK: Sage Publications Ltd.
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Valenzuela, D., & Shrivastava, P. (2008). Interview as a method for qualitative research. Retrieved June 11, 2016, from
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van Manen, M. (2007). Phenomenology of Practice. Phenomenology & Practice, 1(1), 11 - 30.
van Manen, M. (2003). Researching lived experience: Human science for an action sensitive pedagogy (2nd ed.). London, ON: Althouse Press.
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Wilson, H., & Hutchinson, S. (1991). Triangulation of qualitative methods: Heideggerian hermeneutics and grounded theory. Qualitative Health Research, 1(2): 263-276.

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